After a very good night's sleep I was awake at 7
am on the Monday morning and after a coffee and a shower I set about packing my
bags to save a bit of time later. Sean arrived to collect Allon for their
journey home at about 9.40 but not before we nipped up to the bar for our final
breakfast. After that it was off to Auchan for some final shopping and to
buy flowers and chocolates for our hosts at the hotel. After finishing off
the last few bits of packing, we said farewell to Madame and Monsieur and set
off for the drive back to Caen, still in the same marvelous weather that we had
enjoyed all week.

We arrived in Ouistreham and parked up and then
made a beeline for our omelettes, frites and cider at Le Gouland before joining
the queue for the ferry.

By 4.20 pm we were on board in our cabin and the
ferry eventually set sail 40 minutes late (absolutely jam-packed as usual) at
5.10 pm. I won't bother to try and describe in detail our mandering around
the shops or having fish and chips for dinner (again) as it's a rather tedious
process - and its far more dull on the way home than on the way out!

We raced Allon and Sean's L Havre ferry into port,
winning by a small margin and were docked in Portsmouth by 9.30. We were
very lucky getting off the ferry exceedingly quickly, so much so that I met up
with my James at the M27 services at 10.10 and we were home less than an hour
later. And so the story of the Le Mans 2017 trip draws to a close.